New API Guide for VMware Cloud Director Extension for Data Solutions

VMware Cloud Director Extension for Data Solutions is a VMware Cloud Director plug-in that brings ample opportunities for managing data services such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and RabbitMQ services.

The extension also helps cloud providers publish selected data services to their tenants, which in turn can self-manage the entire lifecycle of service – from the creation through the upgrade and service deletion.

The latest Data Solutions Extension version 1.1 offers data service creation, monitoring, and visualization opportunities. In addition, we now introduce an API Guide that you can use to automate your VMware data solution operations such as data service creation, update, and deletion.

The API Guide does not introduce new Data Solutions APIs. Still, it explains how to use Cloud Director Defined Entity APIs for automating the most common Data Solutions Extension operations as a provider or tenant.

The operations that you can automate as a provider include – listing data solution services and publishing data solutions to tenants. As a tenant, you can list available data solutions, and deploy, update, and delete a data solution service.

The way Data Solution Extension works is to create schemas and instances in the Cloud Director Runtime Defined Entities. Those are created during the installation of the Data Solutions Extension.

The API Guide explains the Data Solutions Extension data entities that are created during the Data Solutions Extension installation. Here are the data entities that are created for Data Solutions Extension in Cloud Director.

Schema Interface Scope Description
DSInstance DSObject Namespace Data solution instances for RabbitMQ, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. API/UI clients do not interact with Kubernetes resources directly but instead manipulate DSInstance for data solution deployment, update, and deletion. A DSInstance represents a data solution deployment.
DSInstanceTemplate DSObject Global Templates for data solution instance creation. There are a few pre-defined templates for each kind of data solution. A DSInstanceTemplate is global and public to all users. Essentially a DSInstanceTemplate contains a set of pre-defined Custom Resource (CR) properties.
DSProvisioning DSObject Namespace A plugin operator that provisions data services in each Kubernetes cluster. DSProvisioning is used by Data Solutions Operator (DSO) to reconcile data operator provisioning. Configurations, description, source package, availability, and access control.
DSConfig DSObject Global DSConfig stores information for container registry, and. package location for data solutions. Provider Administrator also uses DSConfig instance to control tenant’s accessibility to data solutions.
DSCluster DSObject Cluster Info from each cluster. A DSCluster records Data Solutions Operator (DSO)’s version and health.

Table 1: Data Solution Extension Defined Entities

These data entities will be part of the Cloud Director Defined Entity APIs that you will use for managing your data services.

Also in the guide, you will find sample API requests for publishing, creating, updating, and deleting data solutions services.

Happy reading and stay tuned for more exciting news about Data Solutions Extension!

For more information about Data Solutions Extension, check the following product documentation and blog post, or send us your questions to our Data Solutions Extension Slack channel.
