Reason 1 to Attend the Broadband Mapping Masterclass: Ripping the Fabric

You can navigate the treacherous waters around broadband mapping by participating in this 2-hour Masterclass for only $99.

Enroll TODAY in this LIVE Masterclass on Tuesday, September 27, at 12 Noon ET

You’ll get to the bottom of the broadband mapping mess – and understand your ISP and community’s options – by participating in this Masterclass

Billions of broadband infrastructure funding have put broadband mapping back on the front-burner. You know that the federal government is about to award $42.5 billion in funds for broadband infrastructures. You also know that the Federal Communications Commission’s new broadband maps will determine how much funding each state gets. 

But what if the broadband data underlying the maps is a complete mess?

  • As broadband providers, you already submit data to the FCC through the Form 477. Now, you have additional broadband reporting requirements.
  • But will your competitors’ data be accurate? How will you challenge their claims?
  • As a community broadband participant, you’ve probably been upset by repeated inadequacies in the FCC’s Form 477 data.
  • How will you assess what providers are claiming? How will you challenge their data?

The broadband mapping miasma has so many moving parts, it takes a Masterclass just to keep up…. Now you have that opportunity.

Introducing the Broadband Mapping Masterclass, presented by Drew Clark, CEO of Broadband Breakfast

Drew Clark isn’t just anyone talking about Broadband Mapping. He launched the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit that ultimately forced broadband providers to identify where they offer broadband service. He then founded the first crowdsourced tool in this field,, which led him to be recruited to run the State of Illinois’s Broadband Mapping program. He is now CEO of Broadband Breakfast.

In this Masterclass, you can expect these learning outcomes:

  • Understanding the FCC’s Broadband Fabric and Challenge Process

In this section of the Masterclass, you’ll learn what the FCC has done in the past, and what it’s doing now with its Broadband Data Collection. You’ll learn about the agency’s new broadband “fabric.” You’ll learn about challenges to the fabric. You’ll learn how ISPs must submit new data and how communities’ and ISP’s challenges to that data will work.

  • Alternatives Your ISP or Community Has to Fix Bad or Missing Data

In this section of the Masterclass, you’ll learn about other options for obtaining and verifying broadband data. You’ll see concrete examples of broadband data collection by government agencies, private GIS companies, and non-profit groups. You’ll learn your options for obtaining and using better broadband data.

  • What State Broadband Authorities Can Do to Help You

In this section of the Masterclass, you’ll learn about how state broadband offices are addressing the train-wreck in Washington. You’ll see concrete examples of state maps, understand how states are gearing up to challenge the FCC’s map, and get hands-on advice for how your ISP or community can benefit from the work of state broadband offices.

Do you need to get a handle on broadband mapping? Or would you rather keep your head in the sand? 

SECURE YOUR PLACE by enrolling today to fix your community and ISP problems with broadband data

By participating in the Broadband Mapping Masterclass, you’ll get the key insights and understand the tangible actions that your ISP, consultants, and community can take to emerge successfully through the broadband infrastructure funding.

Are you ready to achieve this?

Enroll today for $99

  • One-time payment
  • Guaranteed place
  • Full on-demand access to Masterclass recording
  • Lifetime access to downloadable resources, including Broadband Breakfast’s research report on broadband mapping

Read more about the 5 reasons to attend the Broadband Mapping Masterclass

  • Reason 1 to Attend Broadband Mapping Masterclass: Ripping the Fabric
  • Reason 2 to Attend Broadband Mapping Masterclass: Aren’t Their Other Databases?
  • Reason 3 to Attend Broadband Mapping Masterclass: State Maps vs. Federal Maps
  • Reason 4 to Attend Broadband Mapping Masterclass: Measuring Actual Speeds
  • Reason 5 to Attend Broadband Mapping Masterclass: Understanding Public Challenges


Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Broadband Mapping Masterclass Different from Broadband Breakfast Live Online?

Broadband Breakfast offers FREE webcasts every Wednesday at 12 Noon ET. The Masterclass does not replace this free programming. 

How much does the Broadband Mapping Masterclass cost?

The Broadband Mapping Masterclass by Drew Clark is available for only $99.

Will the Broadband Mapping Masterclass be live? 

Yes, the Broadband Mapping Masterclass will take place LIVE on Tuesday, September 27, at 12 Noon ET.

Will a replay of the Masterclass be available?

A replay of the 2-hour recording will be available only to attendees.

Where do I watch the Broadband Mapping Masterclass?

The Broadband Mapping Masterclass will be available as a Zoom webinar.

How to I purchase the Broadband Mapping Masterclass?

ENROLL TODAY for our Zoom Webinar through PayPal.

How many times may I be able to watch the replay?

Attendees will enjoy unlimited, lifetime access to the Broadband Mapping Masterclass recording. 

Will there be any resources associated much does the Masterclass cost?

Attendees will receive a Broadband Breakfast Research Report on Broadband Mapping. This premium downloadable resource will be available only attendees. 

Why is everyone focused on broadband maps right now?

With the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s $65 billion broadband infrastructure program at stake, the Federal Communications Commission is gearing up to revise its much-flawed broadband maps.

Who needs to attend this webinar?

Internet Service Providers, consultants, and communities should all attend this webinar.

Why should I pay $99 for this Masterclass when there is so much information available on this topic for free?

This session is available for only $99. You’ll be guided on this journey by one of the most knowledgeable people on broadband mapping in the country. And you’ll get a better sense of the problems, pitfalls and opportunities for broadband providers and broadband communities.

What credentials does Drew Clark have to talk about broadband mapping?

Drew Clark is the original advocate for public and open broadband data. An early advocate of better broadband, better lives, Drew founded the Broadband Census crowdsourcing campaign for better broadband data in 2008. That effort became the Broadband Breakfast media community. As Editor and Publisher, Clark presides over news coverage focused on digital infrastructure investment, broadband’s impact, and Big Tech. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Clark served as head of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois, a state broadband initiative. Now, in light of the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, attorney Clark helps fiber-based and wireless clients secure funding, identify markets, broker infrastructure and operate in the public right of way.

Will there still be a program on broadband mapping on Broadband Breakfast Live Online?

Yes, this Masterclass is in addition to Broadband Breakfast Live Online’s free weekly programs every WEDNESDAY at 12 Noon ET, including the program on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

When does the Broadband Mapping Masterclass happen?

This Masterclass runs on TUESDAY, September 27, from 12 Noon ET-2 p.m. ET. Subsequent replay is available. ENROLL TODAY.
